Non-nutritive sweeteners
Create sweetness without calories
When does zero mean a whole lot more? When Ingredion’s non-nutritive sweeteners are used in your products. Our broad portfolio of in-demand ingredients — including the largest offering of non-GMO sweeteners available today — has everything you need to future-proof your business.
Swap out calories for delicious taste with simple labels. Deliver the just-right sensory appeal consumers demand — from first bite to swallow. Reduce or eliminate sugar and calories entirely, and we’ll help you build back what’s lost — so you can still offer the same textures and consistency consumers love.
Ingredion’s line of naturally derived ENLITEN® Reb A stevia sweeteners are extracted from pure stevia leaves grown on our farms in Brazil. Made possible by our patented cultivar, these industry-changing ingredients provide the highest level of quality, consistency and supply reliability possible. For even higher levels of sugar reduction, explore our ENLITEN® Reb M stevia leaf sweetener. This 95% pure Reb M originates from the stevia leaf and offers significantly less bitterness and aftertaste than conventional, stevia-derived alternatives.
Using our extensive selection of specialty polyols, you can add sweetness and bulk with about half the calories. And our DULCENT™ aspartame, sucralose and Ace-K sweeteners can help you achieve your sweetness, functionality and cost savings goals in a wide variety of applications. Let our teams of technical and market experts help you choose an ideal solution for your needs or create a perfect blend of sweeteners for cost savings.
Discover how our formulation expertise and proprietary DIAL-IN® Sweetness Technology can help you create innovative, sweet-tasting foods and beverages that push past the expected. Collaborate with us today and discover how we can help bring your vision to life.
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