Trust non-GMO ingredients from Ingredion
Create confidence and satisfaction in non-GMO around the globe
More and more consumers are choosing food and beverages made with non-GMO ingredients. Yet sourcing everything you need — and trusting what you get shouldn’t mean having to jump through hoops.
How can you satisfy your consumers with non-GMO ingredient lists and memorable eating and drinking experiences that will keep them loyal to your brand?
Now you can create the non-GMO products consumers want with non-GMO ingredients from Ingredion. We offer the broadest portfolio of non-GMO ingredients available — from starches and flours to sweeteners and nutrition ingredients. Whether derived from maize, rice, tapioca, sago, potato or stevia, all of these ingredients meet appropriate non-GMO standards and/or applicable legislative requirements of the countries in which we operate.
You need a partner who can satisfy your need for non-GMO ingredients in the U.S. and worldwide. Ingredion offers more than a decade of experience in meeting and exceeding international, third-party non-GMO standards.
Pure non-GMO guaranteed by the TRUETRACE® program
Under our TRUETRACE® Identity Preserved Program we guarantee the source material contains less than 0.9% genetically modified DNA from adventitious contamination and meets the EU GM labeling regulations. These products also meet both the USDA NBFDS exemption requirements and Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 on genetically modified food.
Look to Ingredion for ingredients derived from traceable, identity-preserved ingredients. Since 2004, Ingredion’s TRUETRACE® program has protected non-GMO purity via global, third-party-audited best practices for segregation and documentation of non-GMO maize and other ingredients.
Procedures for growers — regarding seed, farm practices and production fields — are strictly enforced and audited according to established protocols. Using identifiers for each grower, we can trace any batch of starch back to the farmers who grew the source ingredient, the fields on which the ingredient was grown and the seed varieties and lots used. Our manufacturing plant in Indianapolis is the only completely certified non-GMO maize wet milling plant in the U.S.
Non-GMO Project Verified
We’ve built a trusted supply chain for ingredients that pass muster with the U.S.-based Non-GMO Project.
Non-GMO sweeteners you can trust
Deliver on consumer demand with non-GMO sweeteners manufactured in North America.
Polyols to bring non-GMO appeal
Ingredion's non-GMO polyol sweeteners, like erythritol, offer balanced sweetness without the calories.
Meet demand for non-GMO sweetness
Find out what consumers think about GMOs — and what they want from sweet foods and beverages.
Let’s make your goals a reality
Agile collaboration. Deep formulation expertise. Broad portfolio of in-demand ingredients. Market research and consumer insights.
The information described above is offered solely for your consideration, investigation and independent verification. It is up to you to decide whether and how to use this information. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies make no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained above or the suitability of any of their products for your specific intended use. Furthermore, all express or implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies assume no responsibility for any liability or damages arising out of or relating to the foregoing.