Texturants and texturizer solutions
Optimize formulation and eating enjoyment with the right texturizer
Texturants impact more than the texture of a food or beverage; they can influence consumer perception and distinguish one brand from another.
At Ingredion, we combine our 100+ years of texturizer know-how with our passion for food science and broadest portfolio of texturizing solutions to help manufacturers achieve their formulation needs and make their brands stand out. Our texture and sensory experts collaborate with you to uncover solutions to your latest texture challenges and accelerate your speed to market.
We use groundbreaking research to boldly innovate sustainable ingredients and processes inclusive of our proprietary TEXICON® methodology to improve consumer liking. We welcome you into our global Idea Labs innovation centers to discover which of our texturizer solutions best meet the mouthfeel, visual and labeling needs of your applications and your consumers’ evolving preferences. Continued progress in its expansion provides manufacturers with a consistent, reliable supply with traceability and sustainable business practices that are second to none.
Look to Ingredion for the right chewy, crunchy, creamy or functional build-back texturizer solution to help achieve your business success.
Texturizer types and performance
From starches and flours to fibers and proteins, a wide range of ingredients can be used for bulking and providing different types of textures. Texturants are available in various base materials such as rice, tapioca, potato and pea to suit your label and texture needs. Cook-up, cold water swelling (CWS) and certified gluten-free options are also available. Learn more about common texturizers:
Use texturizers to create moist cakes, donuts, brownies and muffins, chewy or crunchy cookies and biscuits, glossy, shiny glazes, icings and frostings, springy, gluten-free baked goods and cohesive, egg-free/reduced-egg baked goods.
Batters & breadings
From light and crisp to dense and crunchy, texturants provide just-right texture, adhesion and film-forming capabilities, even in gluten-free and clear coatings.
Texturants add body to plant-based beverages and can be used as part of a system in nutritional beverages and reduced-sugar products.
Enhance body in fruit fillings and creamy centers, develop solution-stable films, provide texture in sugar-free/reduced sugar candies and use in place of gelatin for vegan or halal gummies.
Whether adding melt and stretch to cheese, providing texture stability over shelf life in frozen desserts or creating creaminess in yogurt, texturizers excel in both traditional and plant-based dairy.
Dressings and dips
Texturizers are used in dressings and dips to create creamy, consistent textures over shelf life.
Meat, seafood and poultry
Texturants help reduce purge and increase succulence in unprocessed meats as well as enhance texture in nuggets and patties.
Plant-based beverages
Plant-based beverages use texturizers that can withstand the manufacturing process and can improve flavor and nutritional profiles.
Plant-based dairy
Use texturizers in plant-based dairy to create rich, creamy mouthfeel that keep consumers coming back for more.
Plant-based meat
Create the texture that consumers will crave in plant-based meat.
Ready meals
Texturizers prevent retrogradation and improve freeze-thaw stability in refrigerated, frozen and shelf stable meals.
From delicate crisps and baked snacks to crunchy crackers, chewy bars and extruded snacks, texturants are incredibly versatile and support a range of eating experiences.
Soups, sauces and gravies
Use texturizers in place of more costly solids in soups, sauces and gravies without compromising the eating experience.
Webinar: Solving the Texture Equation: The sum of superior products
February 11, 2025 9am CT/10am ET
From chewy to crunchy — join Ingredion’s experts as they decode the texture equation to reveal how insights-driven expertise, technical mastery and comprehensive solutions combine to create exceptional eating experiences.
Texturants FAQ
What is texture?
Texture is the feel, appearance or consistency of an object. In food and beverages, texture can be described as the amount of chewiness, crunchiness, creaminess, body and mouthfeel relative to a control. Importantly, texture impacts taste and can accelerate, decelerate or mask the flavor impact in food and beverages depending on its composition and attributes.
What is the difference between texturizers and texturants?
As it relates to food and beverages, "texturizers" and "texturants" have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably. Usage of one over another may vary by region and locale.
What are some common types of food textures?
There is a wide range of food textures, each designed to deliver a desired eating experience. Food can utilize a combination of textures, including creamy, crunchy, chewy, smooth, rich and pulpy.
What is mouthfeel?
Mouthfeel is the perception of texture in the mouth. Fatty, waxy, astringent, gritty, grainy and pulpy are all examples of mouthfeel.
How is food texture analyzed?
There are numerous ways to analyze texture. Our food scientists are trained on how different ingredients and processes impact texture, and they apply this knowledge as they collaborate with customers. We equip our 32 global Idea Labs® with various tools, including a specialized piece of equipment we’ve nicknamed "T-REX®," to measure texture, viscosity and rheology to understand how different ingredients impact applications. We utilize spider charts and sensory panels using specially trained participants whose knowledge of specific textural attributes in various applications enable us to choose which ingredients will get to your ideal texture.
What do consumers look for in food textures?
Consumers seek a sensory experience that matches their expectation of the food or beverage (e.g., crunchy chips, creamy smoothie). They also seek textures that are on trend, exciting, and meet their food preferences and needs.
How is starch different from flour?
Starch is characterized as a powder from which the base material (e.g., corn, rice) has been processed to exclude protein. Flour, which has an even better consumer perception,1 does not separate the protein from the base material in the finished ingredient.
Do you have texturants that are specifically designed for delicate applications?
We have a broad portfolio of ingredients to suit a range of formulation needs, including low-shear and low-heat processing. We also have a range of ingredients specifically designed for applications which are light in color and/or have a neutral flavor.
How does allulose work as a texturant?
Allulose works to deliver functional build-back in sugar-free/reduced-sugar applications to provide functional bulking, browning and freeze-point depression in formulations, similar to sugar.
Let’s make your goals a reality
Agile collaboration. Deep formulation expertise. Broad portfolio of in-demand ingredients. Market research and consumer insights.
1 ATLAS, Ingredion Proprietary Consumer Research, 2023
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