Crunchy texture coated nuts


Crunchy texture coated nuts

Ingredion Ingredients Used: PURITY GUM 40 - 06780300 AMIJEL 121001 - 12100108

Formulation Instructions



Ingredient %
Part A:
Water 18.20
Sugar, granulated 11.67
PURITY GUM® 40 Starch 3.33
Ammonium bicarbonate 0.13
Part B:
AMIJEL® 121001 Starch 13.33
Flour, wheat, protein 8.5% 12.67
HOMECRAFT® Pulse 3103 Faba Bean Flour 6.67
Salt 0.67
Part C:
Peanuts, raw, with skin 33.33



  1. Par-roast raw peanuts at 170°C for 10 minutes.
  2. Select peanuts to ensure even distribution in size and shape and with smooth, intact skin.

Adhesion syrup

  1. Dissolve or slurry sugar and starch into water.
  2. Heat mixture to 85°C.
  3. Using an ice bath, cool solution to 25°C.
  4. Add in ammonium bicarbonate and ensure complete dissolution.

Final product

  1. Count and weigh 100 peanuts into a container. Weigh an equal amount (by weight, ratio 1:1) of the dry mix into another container.
  2. Using a dropper, add the neccesary amount of adhesion syrup (weight of 100 peanuts divided by 11 layers) to the peanuts. Coat evenly by rotating the container.
  3. Pour all coated peanuts into the container with dry mix. Coat evenly by rotating the container.
  4. Sieve out the coated peanuts and place into a clean container. Weigh the remaining dry mix and record.
  5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 until 11 layers are obtained.
  6. Bake at 170°C (using 2-deck oven) for 20 minutes (small peanut size required less bake time) until lightly brown in colour.
  7. Cool and pack.

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