Want to create reduced sugar, nutritional beverages with great taste and mouthfeel? Welcome to another Make It Sweet & Simple video from your sugar reduction experts at Ingredion.
Hi, I'm Taylor May, a culinologist here at Ingredion, and today I'll be showing you how to use Stevia combined with the rare sugar, Allulose, to get sweet results in a protein enhanced, ready-to-drink, nutritional beverage.
One in three consumers is looking for zero added sugar and ready-to-drink nutritional beverages. For this prototype, we're focusing on eliminating added sugar in a protein fortified chocolate beverage while still giving a great flavor and taste. The chocolate nutritional shake provides the indulgence and richness of a creamy chocolate shake, but without all the added sugar. In order to support sugar reduction, there's two things we need to think about. And that's sweetness quality as well as functional build-back.
So first, we'll start with our dry ingredients. Here, we're featuring our VITESSENCE® pea protein isolate that we will weigh out and set aside. We're also then going to combine our other dry ingredients, which include cocoa powder, our TICALOID® PRO 181 AG, which is a gum, as well as cinnamon and our Stevia. We're featuring a Stevia flavor modifier, which can be included under natural flavors on labels. This is part of the extensive portfolio of integrated Stevia solutions from Pure Circle® by Ingredion. Pure Circle's sweetness, quality, and flavor synergy flavor modulators enrich flavor notes like cocoa, balance sweetness and mouthfeel, and reduce bitterness, among other capabilities. Whatever your parameters and requirements, we can find a solution that will give you the optimal value for your nutritional beverage.
The next step is to combine our liquid ingredients, which features Allulose, because it can provide that second important element of functional build-back that was mentioned earlier. So first, we'll take our water, and we'll go ahead and pour in each ingredient, and then mix them. So we have sunflower oil, as well as vanilla and chocolate flavors. And of course, our Allulose.
Allulose is really easy to incorporate into any formulation. It can be incorporated at a three-and-a-half percentage-usage rate in beverage applications. Allulose improves texture by building back viscosity and improving the mouthfeel. It's also 70% as sweet as sugar, so it provides some sweetness, and it contributes almost no calories at all. Just 0.4 kilocalories per gram. Allulose is also great for reduced sugar applications because it doesn't count towards total and added sugars, because it doesn't contribute to glycemic index.
Once we have everything laid out, we're going to combine our ingredients and process them, and allow them to cool before enjoying. As you can see, Stevia and Allulose deliver the optimal combination of sweetness and functionality to add to your sugar reduction tool-kit.
For additional insights and formulating tips for nutritional beverages, check out our Formulating Made Simple videos in our resource library. Or click on our live chat now for quick answers on using Stevia or Allulose in your reduced sugar formulations.
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