Enhanced mouthfeel

Mango lassi

Ingredion Ingredients Used: N-DULGE® C2 - 06760100


Mango fruit preparation


Ingredient Amount % as is
Water 16.80
Sucrose 29.00
Mango purée 48.00
N-DULGE® C2 co-texturiser 6.20


Mango fruit prep

  1. Dry blend the starch with the sugar.
  2. Add the dry mix to the mango purée and water while stirring.
  3. Pasteurise at 90°C for 15 minutes in a blender.
  4. Cool down the mango preparation.

Final mango lassi

  1. Thin the viscosity of the yoghurt with a disperser rotor-stator (avoid aeration) at 300 rpm for 30 seconds.
  2. Add the mango fruit preparation to the thinned yoghurt and continue processing for one minute.
  3. Refrigerate until consumption.

Mango lassi


Ingredient Amount % as is
Yoghurt 75.00
Mango fruit preparation 25.00

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