Functional build-back in low-carb, gluten-free breads
Case study: Creating nutrient-rich, low-carb, gluten-free breads
How can makers of baked goods enhance nutritional value in gluten-free, low-carb or keto-friendly products? Read the case study below to see how Ingredion helped one of our large bakery customers. If you’re facing your own nutrition, health and wellness-related challenge, contact our experts to discuss which of our solutions could enhance appeal and create value for your brand.
Customer background
Our customer's brand is focused in low-carb and keto positioning products. Their mission was to make nutrient-dense foods with simple ingredient lists and to create a truly healthy world.
The project goal was to develop tasty and familiar bakery products with simple ingredients that support consumers looking to maintain a healthy weight by leading a low-carb lifestyle, and do all of that with a delicious and simple-ingredient bread.
Solutions and approach
VERSAFIBE™ 1490 was the perfect product to add nutrition (fiber), remove net carbs, and provide good texture and gluten-free products that avoid digestive discomfort. VERSAFIBE™ 1490 is labeled as “potato-resistant starch” and provides real nutrition since it is 95% concentrated fiber. Our technical teams offered formulation expertise, which allowed our customer to see a cost benefit.
The customer launched five products (bagels, hamburger and hot dog buns, and seeded, regular and gluten-free sliced bread) that showed success at major retailers.
More Ingredion solutions in action
See how we’ve helped our customers solve their toughest nutrition, health and wellness challenges. Read the additional case studies below, and then visit our nutrition, health and wellness hub to learn more.
Sports protein beverage case study
See how Ingredion improved protein content for a vegan-friendly, plant-based sports beverage brand.
Find the right nutrition, health and wellness ingredients
Create food and beverages that taste delicious and offer the right combination of nutrition, health and wellness benefits. Delight consumers and help differentiate your brand from the competition.
Let’s make your goals a reality
Agile collaboration. Deep formulation expertise. Broad portfolio of in-demand ingredients. Market research and consumer insights.